What we do

Spout is pure milk without the plastic waste.

We supply fresh milk to businesses using 100% reusable kegs.

Currently, we offer milk delivery in Christchurch, Dunedin, Queenstown, and Wanaka but, we are constantly adding new locations. You can follow us on social media to find out when we’re available in your area.

How it works

The Spout system is simple and easy to use:

After signing on with Spout, we will work with you to deliver and install a branded Spout kegerator. Each kegerator measures 1325mm x 616mm x 605mm including the tap (this is about the size of a milk fridge).

A Spout representative will provide your staff with comprehensive training about how to use the Spout system. We will also set up your business with Spout’s online ordering platform and provide guidance on how to use it.

After setup, it’s as easy as order, pour, return.

Ordering is simple. Using our online platform, you can place an order up to 2 days before delivery or alternatively set up a standing order so that you never run out of milk.

When you receive a keg, you can store it inside the kegerator (up to 5 kegs) or in any other fridge. When you’re ready to use the milk, simply hook up the keg to the tap and you can start pouring in seconds.

When a keg is empty, you can rinse it and put it aside to be collected at your next delivery. Every returned keg is washed using our custom-designed keg cleaning system.

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Less waste

Unlike plastic bottles, our kegs can be reused thousands of times. Every time a keg is used, five plastic milk bottles are saved from our waste streams. An average café could save more than 3,000 plastic bottles each year.

Saves time

A tap system avoids the hassle of dealing with individual bottles saving at least 12 seconds per coffee made.

Lower waste/recycling costs

No plastic bottles means that your business will have less waste to dispose of at the end of each day. This leads to savings in rubbish and recycling fees for your organisation.

Improved image

We provide materials such as window stickers to help our customers promote their commitment to sustainability. We also regularly share customer stories through our social media channels.

Better tasting

Our milk is pasteurised but, not homogenised. This means that it comes with a delicious creamy flavour and texture perfect for steaming milk.

Supports local farmers

We work with local farmers in Canterbury and Otago to deliver our milk. Our farmers are committed to looking after their cows and use industry best practices to keep their cows happy.

Environmental Success


plastic milk bottles saved from waste streams

13,049 kg

of CO2 emissions avoided


coffees made using Spout Milk